September 16, 2012There’s an undisputable relationship between longevity and height. Under similar circumstances short people live longer. Accordingly, most supercentenarians (people of 110 years and older) are relatively small, and not because they shrink with age. Here are some heights versus age at death of prominent supercentenarians.
1.Jeanne Calment 149,9 cm, 122 yrs and 164 days
2.Sarah Knauss 139,7 cm, 119 and 97 days
3.Marie-Louise Meilleur 149,9 cm, 117 yrs and 230 days
4.Christian Mortensen 161,3 cm, 115 yrs 252 days
5.Tomoji Tanabe 144,8 cm, 113 yrs and 274 days
6.Giovanni Frau 147,3 cm, 112 yrs and 350 days
7.Edna Parker 152,4 cm, 115 yrs and 252 days
8.Beatrice Farve 139,7 cm, 113 yrs and 280 days
9.Clara Huhn 157,5 cm, 113 yrs and 327 days
[…] Tom’s 12 cm loss in height translates into a longer average lifespan of 7 years. Short people live longer. And because of Tom’s decreased height during this longer life he will consume considerably […]