Search Results for: tall tales
Tall Tales: The Well-Heeled Wobble
November 16, 2013Tall Tales: Lange Kerls
October 10, 2013Tall Tales is a new series of stories that investigate our obsession with height. Throughout history there have been iconic moments, stories and situations that shaped the fundamental yet unfounded belief that taller is better. First up; the Potsdam Giants. The Potsdam Giants was a Prussian infantry regiment composed…
The Short Date Paradox
March 8, 2015The Giants: Bolster
November 27, 2024The Giants: Gashadokuro
July 5, 2023Abundance Fantasies: Exaggeration Cards
August 30, 2013Exaggeration cards are picture postcards depicting enormously oversized fruits, vegetables and livestock. First appearing in Fresno in 1905 the cards quickly struck a chord throughout the western United States. These “tall-tale postcards” became especially prevalent in small town rural communities hoping to forge an identity…